27 November, 2009

Moving on

Yeah, it's been a long time. Lots of thoughts written down on paper that I hadn't posted while on the road with Break Out. But after recent events following a terrible accident, Break Out is no longer in any of our futures. Some of my teammates continue to struggle as they recover from physical injuries. I was blessed with the few minor injuries I received.

God is amazing though. Through it all, despite doubts and stubbornness, He knows how to turn good from bad. I still believe I was to be with Break Out. I learned a lot and I started to find myself again. But now that it's over, a new adventure has risen. And this one has to do with my first passion.

A new band is forming. We don't know when or how it will all work out, but God has thrown the most amazing opportunity in the laps of willing followers. Amazingly enough to me, I'm in the spotlight. I used to hate it - and maybe I still do - but I know now that to deny the opportunity is to deny the use of a talent God has given me.

Kyle Mitts. That's the name and it looks like we're going with it. We've gotta see what the record company thinks of us and go from there. We have no idea what will happen next, but we're hoping it turns out well. And no matter what, we're all trusting in God.

I'm making new friends and keeping in touch with all my friends from Break Out. One particularly special friend is sticking by my side like glue, and I can't say that I don't enjoy it. My shadow is still here, following my story and following me. Or am I following her? Either way, I have a feeling that's something else that will turn out with quite the adventure.

14 August, 2009

Now and Forward

How could I not love my job? Every day I get to spend with my circle of friends, laugh, talk and live. When we’re on the road I get to sit right next to my girl and take in every moment we have together. We get to be family. We get to have fun. We get to make other people smile and help kids know how to make good choices. It was tough starting out but… this is more than I could have asked for.

My past still lingers, but we’re all faced with forks in the road during our lives. I chose right instead of left and though it’s very different, I feel blessings every day. I try not to think about what could have been, but focus on what I am today and what tomorrow will bring.

We’re up north where the weather would be cooler, but it seems everywhere, the temperature is hot. What would we do without AC?

Looks like we’re ready to hit the road again. I better put my laptop away and get back on over to the awaiting red jeep.

18 July, 2009

Changes in the wind

Things change. Time passes. I haven't used this writing space as much as intended, but sometimes it's better just to sit back and not speculate so much on what is happening, and simply go with the flow.

Things are different. Not so much in a bad way, but in a good way. Ever since I hit the road with Break Out, I still felt alone. Surrounded by a group of friends, somehow, I still felt on the outside... like I just didn't belong. But all that's changed. Not only do I really feel this is where I should be, but I have someone alongside me, holding me up the whole way. Shadows are funny that way. We get so used to them being around that we don't realize we've fallen in love with them.

I could have gone back home, but as so gently told, it would have just been running away again. I don't know what all God intended back when I decided to join this team. But I know that without it, I wouldn't have grown in the areas that I have. I might not have Alice. I wouldn't have all of these daily experiences that have helped me draw closer to God, and learn more about myself.

I know I joke around a lot, but in all seriousness... being with Break Out has been a blessing. It's not what I imagined myself doing at this point in my life. But I'm loving it. Music has become a thing of the past... a passion lost somewhere between then and now. My future has changed. And I am happy. Thank God for the life I've got.

Now... where are those donuts that Jordan brought in for breakfast...

20 June, 2009

Nighttime lights

I wanted to sleep. But my persistent headache kept me from it. So I find myself here once again to say a few words as my mind wanders.

Today was a hard day - one of the hardest in a while. But not because of the company or the job. No, it's a battle within myself that I must win. I'm surrounded by friends who would support me in anything, yet it is still a battle I must fight myself. Only one knows of it. Only one do I trust with knowing it.

Otherwise, things are going just as well as always. I've found that when traveling in the evenings, to lie back and stare up at the passing lights is mesmerizing. It sets my mind on a strange course, almost hypnotizing me into a dreamy kind of state between awake and sleep. And in that place, I find the things I am trying to work out... the things my heart won't often ponder in the daylight.

I hear the others saying that we are nearing our destination, so I should probably wrap this up. Until next time, it's on the road with me.

28 May, 2009


A clear head. A clear mind. Clear vision. One would assume that the combination of clear senses would result in a clear plan for the future. But alas, it evades me again.

I am happy. I am enjoying the road and my friends. I love what I'm doing now. A year ago, I never would have thought that I would be anywhere but the Pizza Box, rolling dough and taking orders. So there, my wee brain!

And yet while the present is clear, the future is foggy. I have yet to figure out why. Perhaps it is the lack of contact with those at home lately. Perhaps it is the persistent twitch of my fingers and the nagging desire in the back of my mind to spill out the words that want to come. But I resist. I've taken a new path and I will stick with it. I am learning a lot - surely my prayers for wisdom did not lead me down the wrong route.

A bump in the road (literal) jolts me from my thoughts and I glance out the back window. I smile. Our shadow is still with us. Who knows how many others would have grown weary by now? Most journalists would write from a distant, using the information they're fed by others. But not Alice. No, she's a wild one, she is. But even with a wild side, she comes with a heart that knows no bounds. Alice, what would we do without you?

And thus, my entry comes to a close. We're pulling up to a gas station now. Prime time for a potty break and a good ol' mountain dew to refuel. Wooee!

25 April, 2009


Insomnia... my enemy, yet he sticks close tonight. I use him as an excuse to write though. The bus is quiet. I think everyone else is asleep. I look out the window to see the quiet jeep as well. Shadows need sleep too. Tomorrow night we'll have a hotel with real beds. I can't wait, and neither can the girls.

Haven't been on the road that long, but already I'm beginning to settle. It's routine now. But even routines can hold adventures, and the road certainly does that. Today's flat tire was proof of that. How many guys does it take to change one tire on a bus? Don't ask. Alice - don't put that in your next article!

Spirits are high and the energy doesn't seem to run out. It's like the momentum of the bus is an energy charger so we're constantly filling up. Nightly devotional times in the group has been a great encouragement as well.

Tomorrow we're climbing a bit north again. A wee bit cooler, but spring is everywhere. We're Breaking Out, and spring is too. I wonder what it smells like back home as the season changes. Hey, Jen, can you box up some Nevada air and send it to me in the mail? They say there's no place like home, and I believe it now. But really... I'm getting along well. I'm really loving the new sights every day and loving the cause we're traveling for. If there's one thing I'm thankful for right now, it's saying yes to Hunter's invitation.

Oh, look, a firefly. Well, I'm wide awake, why not him too? I think I'll go take a nighttime walk and see if that helps.

31 March, 2009


Just starting to sink in that this isn't a vacation. When traveling away from home any other time, there's always been that lingering feeling that the adventure's end was within sight, for good or bad. But not this time. The indefinite time frame has an odd sense about it. But it is indeed an adventure. And how could I not want an adventure?

Making a few stops to relax and regroup has been fun. Daily team meetings are a blast of course when we really get down to business. Surrounded by a group of friends - what more could a guy ask for?

Alice is still right behind us. Though I've sneaked over to her vehicle a few times just to get behind the wheel and get some different company, chunks at a time. I make everyone on the bus laugh. Alice makes me laugh. And she seems to run on her own energy to create her own laughter that bubbles over. I love Break Out, no doubt - but having one of my best friends along certainly makes things sweeter.

Another bump in the road - another jolt to the system. It's amazing we don't all need chiropractors after Jordan's driving. I'm going to stop typing now before my precious laptop goes flying off my lap.

21 March, 2009


A morning program was scheduled for today. Second time around and we're already getting good. The kids were receptive, as were the adult leaders. Jordan has some new ideas to incorporate my humor - we'll see what he comes up with. The kids love seeing our karate routines though, which is a nice hook to get their attention.

Fast food lunch and back on the road. We'll be driving through tomorrow again. Tomorrow nothing is scheduled. Hunter wants to stop and sightsee. Jordan said he might stop the bus long enough for Hunter to take a picture. I think we'll wind up stopping for longer than that.

Our shadow is still behind us, keeping right up. The gang loves her, and is dying to know what she'll write about me, so they can see when Break Out is mentioned. Funny people.

Talked with Jen earlier. Sounds like things are okay at home. JetStream has a gig coming up - guess they're just gonna try it without the keyboard and see how that goes. More power to 'em.

Oh look, I see a McDonald's sign. Jordan!!!

20 March, 2009


Today's program was an absolute blast. Our karate routine was flawless, and we had those highschooler's attentions from the word go. It was awesome. I get to be the goofball to draw out the laughter - not too hard for me to do. I even had Chloe in stitches at one point.

Far from home, but we're just getting started. We're all hyped, and they even want us back again. Lots of kids took interest in their local youth programs we promoted. Hopefully they'll keep on making the right kinds of choices.

Tonight we're at a hotel. A rare occasion, but the bed feels good. I hear the girls giggling in the next room over. Heath and I are thinking about going and raiding their party. We're so nice.

19 March, 2009

On the road at last

The white and yellow lines whiz by as the bus continues to roll down the road. We'll be stopping for the night soon. I can imagine that Jordan is tired of driving, and Alice must be too. Nice to see her jeep every time I look out the back window though. Even in the sunshine, this is one shadow that doesn't go away.

(Potholes are a bummer when you're trying to type.)

It feels strange, being here now. We're sure this routine will last for the next several months at least, but after that, the future is unknown. It's an excitement we all feel though. It's odd being this far away from home without Phil or Jen nearby. But I think being without the bands is an adjustment I can take.

There's the lights of the rest area. Bed time.

18 February, 2009

Break Out

Demonstrating good choices to the youth of today.

Meet Break Out. We're Jordan, Blake, Chloe, Heath, Myla, Shawn, Hunter and Kyle.

What do we do? We aim high and impact youth across the country with our message of making good choices. We emphasize the importance of staying away from drugs and alcohol and encourage healthy relationships between young men and women. We demonstrate the art of karate and provide youth ways to get hooked up with mentors or other organizations in their area that can support them.

Life is tough. Life is full of choices and pier pressure. We're here to show how to break out of the mold and make a difference.