18 July, 2009

Changes in the wind

Things change. Time passes. I haven't used this writing space as much as intended, but sometimes it's better just to sit back and not speculate so much on what is happening, and simply go with the flow.

Things are different. Not so much in a bad way, but in a good way. Ever since I hit the road with Break Out, I still felt alone. Surrounded by a group of friends, somehow, I still felt on the outside... like I just didn't belong. But all that's changed. Not only do I really feel this is where I should be, but I have someone alongside me, holding me up the whole way. Shadows are funny that way. We get so used to them being around that we don't realize we've fallen in love with them.

I could have gone back home, but as so gently told, it would have just been running away again. I don't know what all God intended back when I decided to join this team. But I know that without it, I wouldn't have grown in the areas that I have. I might not have Alice. I wouldn't have all of these daily experiences that have helped me draw closer to God, and learn more about myself.

I know I joke around a lot, but in all seriousness... being with Break Out has been a blessing. It's not what I imagined myself doing at this point in my life. But I'm loving it. Music has become a thing of the past... a passion lost somewhere between then and now. My future has changed. And I am happy. Thank God for the life I've got.

Now... where are those donuts that Jordan brought in for breakfast...