11 November, 2010

It's Good

Things couldn't be better. At least that's what I always think, then God shows me they can still get even better.

The band business is going great. We're getting two albums put together now and as soon as that starts rolling, we'll be getting a lineup of concerts. We're all pretty excited about that. As a band, our music is getting cleaner and tighter. As friends, we're getting tighter too. We've become a family, taking the good with the bad, and we all love it.

Being back in Nevada has been a joy. I've been able to spend time with my family along with everything else and I'm learning that there's only so much time left in this life... It's good to spend it with the ones you love.

26 May, 2010


The time has come for change... again. But this is one adventure I'm loving!

The band is set. The band is ready. The band is gonna get a recording contract. Well... at least we hope it is. Looking pretty good though, and we're all stoked to head to the studio and find out what awaits on the other side of that door.

In the meantime, we're back in Nevada. Well, I'm back, and the others are here for the first time. Feels good to be in my old stomping grounds again, and the reunion with my family went well. To make matters even better, my faithful shadow is still sticking close and we're having a blast together.


Standing on the curbside with,
The people you call friends.
You play their game and listen to,
Judgmental criticism.
You swallow all the lines they feed,
Just hoping that you'll win,
A few more looks passed down your way,
But love's become so thin.

Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

Sitting on the park bench with,
The people you call friends.
You think they care and love you so,
You stick it out with them.
Believing all they say to you,
It's like a dream gone wrong.
Things don't seem the way they should,
But you're stuck and still hang on.

Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

You've been running all your life,
On the lies that you've believed.
You think that you're not good enough,
Unless you fit the mold.
Stop swallowing the lies of men,
Stop trusting in the false.
Nothing on the outside counts,
It's what's down deep in you.
What's down deep in you?
What's down deep in you?

Child of beauty, what do you see?
Child so innocent, what have you become?
Look with your heart, don't give in,
Be the one God made you to be.
Child of beauty...
What do you see?

Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run...
Don't believe the lies!


You are my,
You are my,
One true source.
You are my,
And that's why I sing today, yeah.
That's why I sing today.

I got the music on.
Got it all together,
Rockin' 'til the morning sun.
I got the people all,
Clapping their hands,
And singing 'til the morning sun.

Oh there's just one reason to play it,
Oh there's just one reason to sing it.

You are my,
You are my,
One true source.
You are my,
And that's why I sing today, yeah.
That's why I sing today.

I can't stop signing on,
Gotta play this music,
Rockin' 'til I can't no more.
I got 'em fired up,
Stomping their feet,
And singing 'til they can't no more.

Oh there's just one reason to play it,
Oh there's just one reason to sing it.

You are my,
You are my,
One true source.
You are my,
And that's why I sing today, yeah.
That's why I sing today.

Oooh, that's why I sing today.
Uh-huh. That's why I sing today.
Oh yeah. That's why I sing today.


I'm on the road to Truth.
Though shadows try to stop me.
The world is knocking at my door,
Exposing all my failures.
They want me to give in.
They want me to step back.
They want me to turn around.

But I will not, will not compromise.
And I will not, will not give to lies.
If there's just one thing in life,
I want to leave behind.
If there's just one thing in life,
I want to be remembered for...
I will not compromise.

I'm on the way to Light.
Though voices try to stop me.
Doubts are creeping through the door,
Asking if I'm satisfied.
They want me to give up.
They want me to fall down.
They want me to cross the line.

But I will not, will not compromise.
And I will not, will not give to lies.
If there's just one thing in life,
I want to leave behind.
If there's just one thing in life,
I want to be remembered for...
I will not compromise.

One life is all I got.
And I gotta live it right.
I've made up my mind,
To stay on the path,
The road my Maker made for me.

Oh I will not, will not compromise.
And I will not, will not give to lies.
If there's just one thing in life,
I want to leave behind.
If there's just one thing in life,
I want to be remembered for...
I will not compromise.


A whirlwind is,
A funny place to be.
It spins around and twists the mind,
Creating all this chaos.
Would it be wrong,
To not be strong?
Would it be wrong,
To love this place?

It's chaos in my heart.
A whirlwind fulfilling.
It opens my eyes,
To a brand new world,
It turns me inside out.
To be without is bleak and gray,
I need you here with me.
You're my whirlwind, I can't deny,
Alice, I love you.

A thunderstorm is,
A scary place to be.
It roars and blows and flashes 'round,
Creating all this chaos.
Would it be wrong,
To not be strong?
Would it be wrong,
To love this place?

It's chaos in my heart.
A thunderstorm fulfilling.
It opens my eyes,
To a brand new world,
It turns me inside out.
To be without is bleak and gray,
I need you here with me.
You're my thunderstorm, I can't deny.
Alice, I love you.

You took me by surprise,
I never saw it coming.
Like a gale on a churning sea,
Like a twister on the planes.
Like a lightning bolt across the clouds,
Like the pouring rain.

It's chaos in my heart.
A whirlwind fulfilling.
It opens my eyes,
To a brand new world,
It turns me inside out.
To be without is bleak and gray,
I need you here with me.
You're my whirlwind, I gotta shout.
Alice, I love you.

Remind Me

Looking in the rearview mirror,
The past is quickly fading.
Winding roads, worn out signs,
Lights blurred by the speed.

I don’t know how I began,
I don’t know where it started.
I don’t know where this journey ends,
Or how I got so far.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I’m here.
Remind me how I’ve come to know,
This love. This love.
Remind me.

Glancing back over my shoulder,
The past is quickly fading.
Twisting paths, broken bridges,
Circumstances dim.

I don’t know how I began,
I don’t know where this started.
I don’t know where this journey leads,
Or how I got so far.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I’m here.
Remind me how I’ve come to know,
This love. This love.
Remind me.

My rearview mirror reveals the past,
A past that’s quickly fading.
I can’t see ‘round the bends of time,
I can’t see why I’m here.
But You’re still here behind the wheel,
And You know who I am.

Remind me of my origins,
Remind me why I’m here.
Remind me how I’ve come to know,
This love. This love.
Remind me.

This love. Your love.
Remind me.

Don't Tap Out

Round one, the bell rings,
You're dancing in the ropes.
The world's a platform for fighting it out,
Your enemy hits and kills.
Round two, another bell,
Your will your only hope.
Life don't give, it spreads your doubt,
Your opponent lives to hate.

Keep your arms up high.
Block the punches coming your way.
It's almost done, keep up the fight,
The bell will save the day.
Keep your arms up high,
Block the punches coming your way.
Don't tap out, victory's in sight,
Courage will save the day.

Round five, you've fallen down,
The towel's in your hand.
Realities hurt, you're bloodied and bruised,
Your enemy still persists.
Up again, you fight for more,
You give it all you can.
Life don't give, it feeds on greed,
You have to fight to live.

Keep your arms up high.
Block the punches coming your way.
It's almost done, keep up the fight,
The bell will save the day.
Keep your arms up high,
Block the punches coming your way.
Don't tap out, victory's in sight,
Courage will save the day.

Vision blurred, blood is running,
But you've got to make a stand.
Wait for the moment to attack,
Keep the truth at hand.
Stay back, keep your distance,
Time is running out.
Soon will be your chance to win,
Soon you'll have him down.

Keep your arms up high.
Block the punches coming your way.
It's almost done, keep up the fight,
The bell will save the day.
Keep your arms up high,
Block the punches coming your way.
Don't tap out, victory's in sight,
Courage will save the day.

What Ever Happened

I don't understand what's happening.
I don't like these growing pains.
No matter what I do or say,
I can't hold back the hands of time.

I don't understand what's happening.
I don't like these feelings.
No matter what I do or say,
I see us going separate ways.

What ever happened to fairytales?
What ever happened to you and me?
What ever happened to eternity?
Where did we go?
Where are we now?
What ever happened to us?

I don't understand what's happening.
I don't like this circumstance.
No matter what I do or say,
I can't hold us together.

I don't understand what's happening.
I don't like these feelings.
No matter what I do or say,
I see us leaving yesterday.

What ever happened to fairytales?
What ever happened to you and me?
What ever happened to eternity?
Where did we go?
Where are we now?
What ever happened to us?

Oh what ever happened to fairytales?
The happy ever after?
Whatever happened to you and me?
Forever and always?
Whatever happened to eternity?
Where did we go?
Where are we now?
What ever happened to us?
What ever happened... to us?

Around the Clock

The clock is ticking down the minutes,
It’s time for me to go.
I know it seems we just got together,
But Daddy's gotta go.

Hold my hand, say goodbye.
Time and duties aren't our friends.
We'll part for now, no, don't cry.
Watch the taillights fade.

On the road, on the job,
Around the clock, the hands don't stop.
Work calls in, another day,
Gone to dust, gone away.
Wash the tears, don't give in,
Blood and sweat don't always win.
Life calls in, another day,
To the past, gone away.

The sun sinks faster, it seems to me,
Telling me it's time to go.
I know you want me here forever,
But Daddy's gotta go.

So hold my hand, say goodbye.
The past and present aren't our freinds.
We'll part for now, dry your eyes.
Watch the taillights fade.

On the road, on the job,
Around the clock, the hands don't stop.
Work calls in, another day,
Gone to dust, gone away.
Wash the tears, don't give in,
Blood and sweat don't always win.
Life calls in, another day,
To the past, gone away.

If I could change the past,
I'd do it just for you.
But the power isn't in my hands,
To make it all anew.
Now the power isn't in my hands,
I'm paying all my dues.

On the road, on the job,
Around the clock, the hands don't stop.
Work calls in, another day,
Gone to dust, gone away.
Wash the tears, don't give in,
Blood and sweat don't always win.
Life calls in, another day,
To the past, gone away.

More to Life

You look both ways before you cross the street and,
You make sure you're not late.
You kiss your mama goodbye just like you know you oughta,
You know better than to make a debate.

But you're tired.
You think you're doin' everything right.
But you're tired.
You doin' all that you been taught.
Hey, hey, hey!

There's more to life than eatin' your veggies,
There's more than you can see.
Some people like it livin' under a bushel,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
There's more to life than keepin' your manners,
There's more than you been shown.
Some people like to camp out in their own boxes,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
You gotta believe there's something more out there.
Hey, hey, hey!

You take your quarter put it in the parking meter and,
You wave to the kid on the bike.
You never got a ticket driving up to see your grandma,
You gave six dollars to the guy with bad luck.

But you're tired.
You think you've got it all down pat.
But you're tired.
You're living just like they told you how.
Hey, hey, hey!

There's more to life than eatin' your veggies,
There's more than you can see.
Some people like it livin' under a bushel,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
There's more to life than keepin' your manners,
There's more than you been shown.
Some people like to camp out in their own boxes,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
You gotta believe there's something more out there.
Hey, hey, hey!

Livin' like a robot isn't gonna get you nowhere.
Livin' like a droid just isn't gonna win the game
You gotta love in your heart,
Have faith in the unseen,
You gotta give your life away to the One who gave it to ya.
Hey, hey, hey!

There's more to life than eatin' your veggies,
There's more than you can see.
Some people like it livin' under a bushel,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
There's more to life than keepin' your manners,
There's more than you been shown.
Some people like to camp out in their own boxes,
But you gotta believe there's something more out there.
You gotta believe there's something more out there.
Hey, hey, hey!

You've Been Here All Along

My soul is lost, I feel alone,
Among the multitudes.
The spirit withers, feeds the pain,
Treading the unknown.
I walk the road, the lonely way,
All is left behind.
The water deep is out of reach,
Everything’s in vain.

Where is your hand to lift me up?
Where is your love unending?
Where is your grace to fill me up?
Where is your voice that calls me?
Open my eyes so I can see,
Open my heart so I can feel.
Open my soul to understand…
You’ve been here all along.

The darkness comes, it covers me.
I tremble in the shadows.
The soul is starved, cold and frail,
Blind, it cannot see.
Storm-tossed on a rocky shore,
Everything is lost.
Refreshing fire is dying out.
What am I living for?

Where is your hand to lift me up?
Where is your love unending?
Where is your grace to fill me up?
Where is your voice that calls me?
Open my eyes so I can see,
Open my heart so I can feel.
Open my soul to understand…
You’ve been here all along.

Oh where is your hand to comfort me?
Where is your love forgiving?
Where is your grace to carry me?
Where is your voice so tender?
Open my eyes so I can see,
Open my heart so I’ll receive.
Open my soul to understand…
You’ve been here all along.
Yeah, you’ve been here all along.

I Will

I will not be silenced.
The world will not hold me down.
The Truth revealed will be through me.
I will stand my ground.

I will praise the name of Jesus.
I will sing forever more.
I will shout it from the rooftops high.
I will whisper it to all.
For You alone are worthy, God.
You put the fire in my heart.
And I will not be silenced.

I will not be captive,
To a world that's hating You.
The Word of God, speak through me,
I will make it through.

I will praise the name of Jesus.
I will sing forever more.
I will shout it from the rooftops high.
I will whisper it to all.
For You alone are worthy, God.
You put the fire in my heart.
And I will not be silenced.

Tough the storms rage, though the winds howl,
Though the world despises me.
Though the rains come, though there's darkness,
Though they say I'm a fool...

I will praise the name of Jesus.
I will sing forever more.
I will shout it from the rooftops high.
I will whisper it to all.
For You alone are worthy, God.
You put the fire in my heart.
And I will not be silenced.

Jesus I Need You

I tried to make it on my own,
It was a failure from the start.
I thought that I was all I needed.
But I soon had a hardened heart.

Now I've been gone for so long,
But I need to see your light.
Will you pick me up? Pick me up?
I need your strength tonight.

Jesus, I need You.
I need your love every day.
Come to me, embrace my heart.
I'm falling on my knees to say,
Jesus, I need You.

This world has got me in its grasp.
I'm struggling every day.
Foolishness is what brought me here.
All I can do is bow and pray.

Oh I've been gone for so long.
But I want to feel your love.
Will you lift me up? Lift me up?
I need to rise above.

Jesus, I need You.
I need your love every day.
Come to me, embrace my heart.
I'm falling on my knees to say,
Jesus, I need You.

I need your love every day.
Come to me, embrace my heart.
I'm falling on my knees to say,
Jesus, I need You.

Pull Me Through

Do you hear me when I whisper?
Do you hear me when I cry?
Will you love me when I'm broken?
Will you love me, lift me high?

It's your voice I long to hear.
It's your love I seek to feel.
And it's you alone, only you,
Who can free me from these chains.

Father hold me, guide me,
I can't do it on my own.
Whisper your words to my heart,
Don't leave me in the storm.
Hold me, guide me,
I need you here with me.
Love me again, tell me it's true.
God please be,
The light to pull me through.

Do you see me when I'm weeping?
Do you see me when I fear?
Do you love me when I fail you?
Do you love me, draw me near?

It's your strength I long to see.
It's your grace I seek to feel.
And it's you alone, only you,
Who can free me from these chains

Father hold me, guide me,
I can't do it on my own.
Whisper your words to my heart,
Don't leave me in the storm.
Hold me, guide me,
I need you here with me.
Love me again, tell me it's true.
God please be,
The light to pull me through.

The chains of my own grief,
Tear into my soul.
The misery I've brought myself,
Turns me from your ways.
But I'm tired, and so weak.
I cannot hear you call.
But I know you're there...
I know you're there...
Please... take my hand.

Father hold me, guide me,
I can't do it on my own.
Whisper your words to my heart,
Don't leave me in the storm.
Hold me, guide me,
I need you here with me.
Love me again, tell me it's true.
God please be,
The light to pull me through.

You See Everything

In this world, nothing's worth the living.
In this world, I can't make it through.
In this world, I don't see a lighthouse.
But you're there. Mmm, you're there.

You see everything, You made the stars.
You're the King, you're in my heart.
You're what makes the night turn to day.

You see everything, You love me too.
You're the one to help me through.
I love You, Lord. Oh yes, I do.

In this world, all the tears are falling.
In this world, it doesn't make much sense.
In this world, all my hope is dying.
But you're there. Mmm, you're there.

You see everything, You made the stars.
You're the King, you're in my heart.
You're what makes the night turn to day.

You see everything, You love me too.
You're the one to help me through.
I love You, Lord. Oh yes, I do.

In this world are trials.
I see them every day.
All around is the darkness still.
No light shining through.
But one fact remains,
It's your great love,
That keeps me going strong.
Oh Lord, I pray to feel your love,
Hold me one more time.

You see everything, You made the stars.
You're the King, you're in my heart.
You're what makes the night turn to day.

You see everything, You love me too.
You're the one to help me through.
I love You, Lord. Oh yes, I do.

Bring Me to My Knees

I come here tonight,
With this broken heart of mine.
I'm sitting here in pieces,
Without an end in sight.

I don't understand the world.
I don't understand the crimes.
But it hurts inside,
Oh, it hurts inside.
Repair my brokenness.

Bring me to my knees.
Show me the impossible.
Open my eyes to your wondrous ways,
Restore my broken heart.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me your loving power.
I just want to feel You here with me.
Lord, I need you now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

My strength is all but gone.
I've been wounded in the war.
A soldier in the battle,
In the game I'm just a pawn.

I don't understand the pain.
I don't understand the whys.
But it's killing me,
Oh, it's killing me,
Mend my wounded soul.

Bring me to my knees.

Show me the impossible.
Open my eyes to your wondrous ways,
Restore my broken heart.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me your loving power.
I just want to feel You here with me.
Lord, I need you now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

Bring me to my knees.
Let my eyes see what's possible.
Open my heart to your wondrous ways.
Restore this wounded soul.

Bring me to my knees.
Show me eternity.
I just want to feel you here with me.
Lord, I need You now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.