11 November, 2010

It's Good

Things couldn't be better. At least that's what I always think, then God shows me they can still get even better.

The band business is going great. We're getting two albums put together now and as soon as that starts rolling, we'll be getting a lineup of concerts. We're all pretty excited about that. As a band, our music is getting cleaner and tighter. As friends, we're getting tighter too. We've become a family, taking the good with the bad, and we all love it.

Being back in Nevada has been a joy. I've been able to spend time with my family along with everything else and I'm learning that there's only so much time left in this life... It's good to spend it with the ones you love.

26 May, 2010


The time has come for change... again. But this is one adventure I'm loving!

The band is set. The band is ready. The band is gonna get a recording contract. Well... at least we hope it is. Looking pretty good though, and we're all stoked to head to the studio and find out what awaits on the other side of that door.

In the meantime, we're back in Nevada. Well, I'm back, and the others are here for the first time. Feels good to be in my old stomping grounds again, and the reunion with my family went well. To make matters even better, my faithful shadow is still sticking close and we're having a blast together.


Standing on the curbside with,
The people you call friends.
You play their game and listen to,
Judgmental criticism.
You swallow all the lines they feed,
Just hoping that you'll win,
A few more looks passed down your way,
But love's become so thin.

Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

Sitting on the park bench with,
The people you call friends.
You think they care and love you so,
You stick it out with them.
Believing all they say to you,
It's like a dream gone wrong.
Things don't seem the way they should,
But you're stuck and still hang on.

Lies! It's all about the lies.
Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run.

You've been running all your life,
On the lies that you've believed.
You think that you're not good enough,
Unless you fit the mold.
Stop swallowing the lies of men,
Stop trusting in the false.
Nothing on the outside counts,
It's what's down deep in you.
What's down deep in you?
What's down deep in you?

Child of beauty, what do you see?
Child so innocent, what have you become?
Look with your heart, don't give in,
Be the one God made you to be.
Child of beauty...
What do you see?

Hairstyles, makeup, chains and dye.
Brand of shoes and price of jeans,
Whether you wear large or small,
Convince them that you're cool.
Blonde or red or streaked with black,
What's your weight or favorite drink?
Take the drugs - who cares, it's fun,
Rob the store, a hit and run...
Don't believe the lies!